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Big Graphic Design Mega Bundle

This enormous bundle includes a staggering 15,000+ design elements with a combined value of $150. You’ll get a variety of elements that can be used together to speed up your workflow, including gradients, color swatches, Photoshop brushes, backgrounds, and textures.

The backgrounds, textures, and brushes provide you with an assortment of resources and elements to create designs with different styles and for various purposes. The color swatches and gradients are ideal for finding the right colors and combinations to use in your designs.

Why you’ll love it:

This bundle is all about variety. Instead of getting just a collection of Photoshop brushes or just a collection of backgrounds, you get several types of resources. You’ll love having this selection available to you at any time.

What’s included:

  • 13,300+ Gradients
  • 1,000+ Color Swatches
  • 560+ Amazing Photoshop Brushes
  • 278+ Backgrounds
  • 33+ Textures

Werden Sie ein Pro-Mitglied, um dieses Bundle freizuschalten und erhalten Sie:

  • Jede Woche ein kostenloses Bundle
  • Millionen Bilder und Videos
  • Unbegrenzte Downloads
  • Kein Quellverweis erforderlich
  • Vorrangiger Support
ab 9 US$/Monat
39 US$
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