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Modern Canvas Style Presentation Mockup Bundle

This gorgeous, modern bundle of digital device mock-ups is a game changer for designers who want to professionally display websites, dashboards, digital products, and more. Simply drop your work into these templates to showcase your brilliant work.

Why you’ll love it:

With 8 Photoshop templates included, you can build isometric presentations in seconds that will impress your clients, employers, and fans!

What’s included:

  • 8 device mockups with different perspective views
  • high resolution mockups (4600x3200px)

Werden Sie ein Pro-Mitglied, um dieses Bundle freizuschalten und erhalten Sie:

  • Jede Woche ein kostenloses Bundle
  • Millionen Bilder und Videos
  • Unbegrenzte Downloads
  • Kein Quellverweis erforderlich
  • Vorrangiger Support
ab 9 US$/Monat
39 US$
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